KUGA (Kauai UnderGround Artists) is a non-profit, drug & alcohol free project located on Kauai whose main mission is to plant seeds of creativity via art, dance. music. & lyrics.
Committed to the development of children and young adults in a positive and creative environment KUGA has for years promoted a clean and healthy lifestyle by words and action.
The LOVE LIFE Creative Festival was launched after a terrible number of teen suicide occurred on Kauai. KUGA felt the need to inject something positive into the atmosphere and this festival was born! This event's purpose has been to create a drug-free and suicide-free culture in Hawaii by inspiring a love for life through creative expressions such as dance, music, visual art, fashion and food!
I had the honor of co-leading the Visual Arts side of KUGA over a period of 6 years. In that time I designed KUGA's icon, countless ads (see @kuga_visual_arts), a number of logos for LOVE LIFE including flyers, posters, banners and tickets with the same theme to make the whole event very cohesive and quickly recognizable across many platforms.